Friday, March 5, 2010

Details - 32/265

I haven't posted for a couple weeks. Haven't had a moment to go out and take new pictures with my Nikon. Didn't take the time to modify and post pics from our outing by the lake (except the Reflections pictures.) Finally taking the time today.

I thought all during March, I'd post my favorite DETAILS pictures. I' have a love for details. I like to capture items up close or pictures of things that look out of place. That's what I'll be posting  in all of March. Or until I get bored. :)

Picture taken out at the Marina. The lane to the Marina docks were locked with an old fence and this doorbell. I guess in case you need to get ahold of someone? Ding dong... Anyone home? This old  doorbell seemed to stand out against the hard metal of the fence and the soft white snow.